“Good counselors lack no clients.”
I encourage you to reach out to past and present clients to get a better sense of me and my consulting work. Please be in touch if you'd like my help connecting with any of the clients listed below.
A.C.C.E.S.S., Inc., Keene, NH
Acadia National Park*, Bar Harbor, ME
Adirondack Nonprofit Business Council, Glens Falls, NY
AIDS Project of Southern Vermont, Brattleboro, VT
AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region, Keene, NH
Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Juneau, AK
Allen Farm Sheep and Wool Company, Chilmark, MA
American Farmland Trust, Washington, DC
American Rivers*, Washington, DC
Antioch Center for School Renewal*, Keene, NH
Antioch University New England, Keene, NH
Anza-Borrego Foundation, Borrego Springs, CA
Arts Alliance of Northern New Hampshire, Littleton, NH
Association of Nature Center Administrators, Logan, UT
Audubon Center of the North Woods, Sandstone, MN
Audubon Community Nature Center, Jamestown, NY
Audubon New York*, Troy, NY
Bearcamp Center for Sustainable Community, Tamworth, NH
Beaver Brook Association, Hollis, NH
Beetlebung Farm, Chilmark, MA
Big Sur Charter School, Monterey, CA
Blue Hill Bach, Blue Hill, ME
Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, Brattleboro, VT
Breakthrough Manchester, Manchester, NH
Bridges of Sublette County, Pinedale, WY
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Sacramento, CA
Center for Environment and Society at Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Sandy Springs, GA
Cheshire County Conservation District, Walpole, NH
Cheshire Medical Center, Keene, NH
Chocorua Lake Conservancy, Chocorua, NH
Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education*, New York, NY
Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education, Denver, CO
Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Denver, CO
Colorado Project Learning Tree, Fort Collins, CO
Community Asylum Seekers Project, Brattleboro, VT
Community Resilience Organizations, Montpelier, VT
Community School, Tamworth, NH
Community Kitchen, Inc., Keene, NH
Connecticut Geographic Alliance, Storrs, CT
Courage to Teach New Hampshire, NH
Damariscotta River Association, Damariscotta, ME
Ecology School, Saco, ME
Ecovation Education and Training Consortium, Brattleboro, VT
Ellsworth Community Music Institute, Ellsworth, ME
Environmental Education Association of Alabama, Montgomery, AL
Environmental Education Association of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Environmental Education Association of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
Environmental Education Association of Indiana, Fort Wayne, IN
Environmental Educators of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Environmental Living and Learning for Maine Students*, Saco, ME
Everglades Foundation, Palmetto Bay, FL
Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, Tallahassee, FL
Franklin Pierce University, Rindge, NH
Friend Memorial Library, Brooklin, ME
Friends of Acadia*, Bar Harbor, ME
Friends of the Bridger-Teton, Jackson, WY
Friends of the Mad River, Waitsfield, VT
Gateway National Recreation Area*, Highlands, NJ
Global Campuses Foundation, Randolph, VT
Grand Teton Association, Moose, WY
Granite State Graziers, Concord, NH
Grapevine Family & Community Resource Center, Antrim, NH
Green Mountain Conservation Group*, Effingham, NH
Gundalow Company*, Portsmouth, NH
Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship, Keene, NH
Harbor Homes, Vineyard Haven, MA
Hawaii Environmental Education Alliance, Honolulu, HI
Historical Society of Cheshire County, Keene, NH
Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine, Augusta, ME
Horizons Unlimited, Salisbury, NC
Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership, Rockland, ME
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise, ID
Idaho Project Learning Tree, Boise, ID
Iowa Conservation Education Coalition, Des Moines, IA
Island Grown Initiative, Vineyard Haven,
Island Grown Schools, Vineyard Haven, MA
Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education, Manhattan, KS
Keene Pride, Keene, NH
Keene Serenity Center, Keene, NH
Keene State College, Keene, NH
Lake Champlain Sea Grant, Burlington, VT
Lakes Region Planning Commission, Meredith, NH
Land for Good, Keene, NH
Larkspur Elementary School, Larkspur, CO
League of Environmental Educators in Florida, Ruskin, FL
Litzsinger Road Ecology Center*, St. Louis, MO
Maine Academy of Natural Sciences, Hinckley, ME
Maine Audubon Society*, Falmouth, ME
Maine Environmental Education Association, Brunswick, ME
Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance*, Augusta, ME
Maine Outdoor Coalition, ME
Maine Project Learning Tree, Augusta, ME
Margaret and H.A. Rey Center, Waterville Valley, NH
Martha's Vineyard Agricultural Society, West Tisbury, MA
Martha's Vineyard Nonprofit Collaborative, West Tisbury, MA
Martha's Vineyard Public Charter School, West Tisbury, MA
Massachusetts Audubon’s Drumlin Farm, Lincoln, MA
Massachusetts Environmental Education Society, Marblehead, MA
Massachusetts Farm to School, Amherst, MA
Massachusetts Geographic Alliance, MA
Mayhew Program, Bristol, NH
Merrimack County Conservation District, Concord, NH
Mississippi Environmental Education Alliance, Jackson, MS
Missouri Environmental Education Association, Kirkwood, MO
Misty Meadows Equine Learning Center, West Tisbury, MA
Monadnock Family Services, Keene, NH
Monadnock Farm & Community Coalition, Keene, NH
Monadnock Humane Society, Keene, NH
Monadnock Time Exchange, Keene, NH
Monadnock United Way, Keene, NH
Morning Glory Farm, Edgartown, MA
Nantucket Biodiversity Initiative, Nantucket, MA
Nantucket Land Bank, Nantucket, MA
National Audubon Society*, New York, NY
National Center for Appropriate Technology, Butte, MT
National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV
National Geographic Education Foundation, Washington, DC
National Park Service*, Washington, DC
Natural Start Alliance, Washington, DC
Nebraska Alliance for Conservation and Environmental Education, Lincoln, NE
New England Environmental Education Alliance
New England Geography Education Network
New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits, Concord, NH
New Hampshire Education and Environment Team, Concord, NH
New Hampshire Environmental Educators, NH
New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, Concord, NH
New Hampshire Geographic Alliance, Keene, NH
New Hampshire Small Business Development Center, Durham, NH
Newfound Area School District, Bristol, NH
Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University, Durham, NC
North American Association for Environmental Education*, Washington, DC
North Carolina Arboretum, Asheville, NC
North Carolina Geographic Alliance, Boone, NC
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Columbus, OH
Options in Education, Inc., West Tisbury, MA
Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators., Pottsville, PA
Place-Based Education Evaluation Collaborative*, Woodstock, VT
Plains Environmental Education Partnership, Manhattan, KS
Project Learning Tree, Washington, DC
Project WILD, Washington, DC
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, Keene, NH
ReMix Organics Company, Providence, RI
Rhode Island Environmental Education Association, Providence, RI
Sandwich Historical Society, Center Sandwich, NH
Slough Farm Foundation, Edgartown, MA
South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks, Pierre, SC
Southeastern Environmental Education Alliance, Elizabethtown, KY
Southern Vermont Natural History Museum, Marlboro, VT
Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, NH
Stonewall Farm, Keene, NH
Surry Comprehensive Plan Committee, Surry, ME
Sweetwater Farm, Petersham, MA
Tamworth Community Nurse Association, Tamworth, NH
Tamworth Foundation, Tamworth, NH
Tennessee Environmental Education Association, Chuckey, TN
The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens, Newbury, NH
The Pines, Ocean Park, ME
The Water School at Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL
Training Institute at Welcoming Light, Inc., Nashua, NH
Touchstone Farm, Temple, NH
United Way of Windham County, Brattleboro, VT
University of Vermont NRT Quest*, Burlington, VT
Utah Society for Environmental Education, Salt Lake City, UT
Vermont Center for Photography, Brattleboro, VT
Vermont Conservation Voters, Montpelier, VT
Vermont Geographic Alliance, Castleton, VT
Vineyard House, Vineyard Haven, MA
Virginia Association for Environmental Education, Lynchburg, VA
Vital Communities, White River Junction, VT
Watersheds United Vermont, Montpelier, VT
West Tisbury Library Foundation, West Tisbury, MA
Whitaker Center for STEM Education at Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL
White River Partnership, South Royalton, VT
Windham Child Care Association, Brattleboro, VT
Winston Prouty Center, Brattleboro, VT
WMVY Radio, Vineyard Haven, MA
Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center, Finland, MN
Wonalancet Preservation Association, Wonalancet, NH
Wyoming Alliance for Environmental Education, Jackson, WY
YMCA of Greater Nashua, Nashua, NH
Zoo New England*, Boston, MA
An asterisk next to a client listed above indicates a consultation done in collaboration with another consultant or consulting firm. I regularly work with other consultants or firms when doing so will deliver greater value and impact to my clients.